Hi Sherpa Fans,
As summer wraps up and autumn approaches, Base Camp is helping our clients do their fall Hardware Checkup. Every year, in house and at our clients, we remind everyone to check devices and hardware for problems (particularly after sandy beach trips and water rides), clean accessories and repair or replace anything that seems like it’s worn out. We really recommend this annual check-up, especially as budgets start getting prepared for next year. It allows us to keep a pulse on our assets, and as good Technology Stewards, ALL that we can’t repair or reuse are responsibly recycled.
The Sherpas have also been super busy out and about too! Check out our photos from the 5th Annual Delaware KIDS Fund 5K – Team Sherpa was vibrant in orange, representing all age groups. Missed it this year? No problem – you can always join up next year and get a piece of that Sherpa Spirit!
We’ve got some cool events that we’ll be attending in September – particularly our BizBuzz Symposium series (featuring our own Sherpas discussing Security trends and Net Neutrality) and the Associated Builders and Contractor’s Fall Festival. See our Upcoming Events for Details.
And as always, if you’re ready to take your business on the best expedition, you can contact us anytime to get your own Sherpa.
Jess H
Want to say hi? Got a great Sherpa picture? Stop in on Facebook and Twitter!
Sherpa Sightings:
DE KIDS Fund 5KMySherpa was a proud sponsor of the Delaware KIDS Fund 5K, held in Newport Delaware, Saturday, August 2nd, 2014.
Ethan, Andrea and Geoff
Alex and her crew
Roberto, Gretchen & Families
Adrian and Jessica
We’ve been getting some fan art – check these out.
Keep Calm and Sherpa on!
Upcoming Events
Discover my Delaware’s BizBuzz – Net Neutrality Symposium: Wednesday, September 23rd, 2014.
ABC’s Fall Fest – Thursday, September 11, 2014 – Blue Diamond Park, New Castle, DE