Don’t Let Cyber Hackers
Steal your Pot of Gold

Don’t Let Cyber Hackers
Steal your Pot of Gold

Luck is not a Cyber Security Strategy

The luck of the Irish will not protect your operations and data. Professional hackers are targeting your data for one purpose, to make you pay.

And paying a ransom is no guarantee you get your data back. 32% of organizations pay the ransom and only 65% of people who paid the ransom got their data and systems back.

You cyber strategy starts with understanding your vulnerabilities and systematically building controls and tools to keep your operations safe.

Cisco’s Secure Managed Networking Platform

Protect Your Operations


Security Incidents
Involve Humans


Security Incidents Initiated from
an External Party


Cyber Incidents are motivated
by Financial Gain

MySherpa & Connectwise

  • Automated Security Incident Event Monitoring
  • Comply with HIIPA, PCI, & Insurance Requirements
  • Prioritize Critical Threats filtering the security noise
  • Stay Ahead of Security Insurance Requirements
  • Preventing Fines & the Loss of Customer Confidence

Why MySherpa?

MySherpa delivers cyber security to keep your business protected. We are your “go-to” technology experts so you can focus on what is most important, your business.