Keep your SMB safe from these hackers

As technology advances, so do hackers and their skill at infiltrating networks and systems. Small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can be particularly vulnerable because they often don't have a dedicated security team or ample resources to protect themselves.

These 5 types of hackers are a threat to SMBs

Malicious hackers are motivated by different things. Some do it for fun, some want money, and others just want to end your business. Getting to know how they behave and what drives them informs how you must defend your organization against them.
Script kiddies
In terms of skill, script kiddies (or skids, for short) are at the bottom of the hacker totem pole.

The threat of distributed spam distraction

You wouldn’t think that cybercriminals would carry out their nefarious schemes in plain sight — except that they do and you’ve probably already fallen victim to them. Learn all about a scheme called distributed spam distraction (DSD) and how malicious actors are using it to steal valuable information from their victims.

4 types of hackers to watch out for

Why do hackers attack? Is it for money, notoriety, or political reasons? As a business owner, you should always try and find out the motive behind an attack to help you determine whether or not you’re a target and what data you need to protect. Let’s take a closer look at four different types of hackers and their motives.

Understand these 4 types of hackers

Why do hackers attack? Is it for money, notoriety, or political reasons? Many business owners never ask these questions, and instead only think about the means of how a cyber attack takes place. But knowing the motive behind a hacker’s attack can help you understand whether or not you’re a target and what data you need to protect.