Should you get an SSD for your Mac?

Solid state drives (SSDs) are now standard issue across Mac computers. But if you have an older Mac, you can easily upgrade it with an SSD and benefit from the many performance advantages of this type of storage device.
They’re faster
SSDs have the clear advantage over HDDs in terms of data access speed.

Mac speed issues: Here are tips to fix them

Your Mac is unusually slow and you want to know why. Perhaps it started to become sluggish when you installed macOS Mojave, or it could be because you’re running out of disk space. Let us help you troubleshoot the issue — just follow these tips.
Clean up your Login Items
The Login Items list (or “Startup List”) contains all the apps and programs that automatically start when you log in.

Best of Mac 2018: Your time-saving checklist

“Time is money” may be a cliche, but it is worth repeating because it’s true. In fact, Apple incorporates many time-saving features onto its macOS updates so that Mac users become more efficient the longer they use their machines. Use our checklist to become the time-saving machine you’re meant to be.

6 Tips to keep your Mac computer safe

Although it is important, security is something that some Mac users overlook. That’s fine if all you do is watch YouTube videos or experiment with Photo Booth, but not if you use your computer for day-to-day business operations. Prevent internal and external threats from harming your device with these tips.

Top 5 features picks for macOS Mojave

After a year of launching macOS High Sierra, Apple has finally announced the newest operating system for Mac users, macOS Mojave, along with its exciting new features. Read on to discover what macOS Mojave has in store.
Dark Mode
Did you ever wish your computer windows were not just plain ole white? If yes, you’re in for a treat.

Chrome: From HTTP to HTTPS

Within the last year, Chrome has helped users understand that HTTP sites are not secure. More websites use HTTPS, a safer protocol, than ever before. So, how can you benefit from this transition? Find out here.

For several years, Google has moved toward a more secure web by strongly advocating that sites adopt the Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTPS) encryption.