Don’t know how to lock your Mac? Here’s how

Confidential data stored in your Mac is at risk of exposure if you leave your desk with your computer on. One of the most effective ways to protect your data is to lock your Mac with a password.
It’s not enough to log off your Mac
Some people “lock” their Mac computer by logging off or shutting down the device.

Managed IT: How hospitals can benefit

More and more healthcare organizations are turning to managed services providers (MSPs) for their IT needs. This lets hospitals and clinics focus on being healthcare providers and not on being ad hoc IT professionals learning on the fly.

Here are some things to look for in a managed services provider before you consider partnering with one.

Common problems with virtual server backup

Over the years, data virtualization has provided businesses more options to manage their data. However, even virtualized data is susceptible to loss. This is why you need a good data backup solution to protect it, and be prepared to face some common problems when backing up virtualized data.

Microsoft Office 2019 or Office 365: The best choice

Microsoft Office is one of the most installed software suites in the world. If you are looking to integrate it into your company, you can either purchase Microsoft Office 2019 or sign up for cloud-based Office 365. Both promise the same features that the Office suite is known for, but they are different enough to be better suited to some users than others.

5 Things to avoid when investing in IT

Running a business can be time-consuming, especially if you’re managing staff, looking for growth opportunities, and looking after clients. This leaves you little time to search for an IT system that can benefit your business. Because of this, you may be forced to make an impulsive technology purchase that does more harm than good.

Virtualization: 10 Critical terms

Virtualization is the act of moving a physical component or bit of software from a physical environment to a digital one that’s normally delivered over a network. This technology has become one of the most sought after tech improvements of the past decade, especially among small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). The only problem is, virtualization can be complicated, not to mention confusing because of its esoteric terminology.

Ways healthcare practices benefit from online scheduling

To succeed in today’s technology-driven world, healthcare facilities now have to provide convenience alongside top-notch patient care. Online scheduling makes it easy for patients to book their medical appointments.

Even if the use of smartphones, tablets, and other internet-connected devices has already permeated society, many healthcare facilities have trouble keeping up with the times.