Every now and again, you get frustrated with your web browser’s limited functionality. But if you’re using Google Chrome, there’s a good chance someone has created an extension to make your work life easier. There are thousands of extensions just waiting to boost your productivity with just a click of a button.
The best Chrome extensions for productivity
What can users expect with Microsoft Edge?
Microsoft Edge has replaced Internet Explorer as the default web browser on Windows 10. Edge offers plenty of new features that optimize web searches and ensure a seamless transition from any web browser. Here is the rundown on some noteworthy features:
Import favorites
You can easily import the list of websites you've marked as favorites from any web browser to Microsoft Edge.
Master your next Powerpoint presentation
Schedule meetings with Microsoft FindTime
The art of organizing a meeting is much like chess. Each player has different possible moves, or availabilities; and it's up to you to strategize which pieces to move where, or which events to schedule (or reschedule) when. The objective is to land on a square wherein all participants can attend, but achieving this goal often demands a tiring and time-consuming process.
iPad productivity tools to help you out
Many people buy an iPad with hopes that it can increase their productivity when outside of the office. Unfortunately, it can end up in a drawer somewhere or perhaps given to your child if you never manage to incorporate into your work processes. Owning an iPad alone is simply not enough to help you increase your productivity.