
Is your Android call and SMS data safe?

It’s normal for mobile phones to store users’ call and text logs. Android users, however, might be surprised to know that Facebook has been collecting their call history and SMS data for years. Should you be worried? How Facebook’s data-collecting activities were discovered Software developer Dylan McKay realized Facebook had been collecting his call records […]

Virtualization and Windows Server 2019

Microsoft’s Windows Server operating systems are complicated enough to warrant their own certification program. However, small businesses can take full advantage of the features included in the latest version of this software by moving to an outsourced IT support model. Here’s what you miss out on if you keep everything in house.   Windows Server […]

Top 6 new features for Microsoft Teams

Are you using Microsoft Teams to streamline communication between your employees? If you are, get ready to enjoy a more convenient workplace chat platform. Microsoft has recently announced six new features for Teams. Cortana Integration One new feature that Microsoft will bring to Teams is Cortana, Microsoft’s virtual assistant. By integrating Cortana with Teams, users […]

Cybersecurity protocols to protect PHI

As you are well aware, healthcare companies and the vast amount of valuable patient information they hold have become a major target of cyberattacks. Hospitals must combat this with a highly-trained team of technicians equipped with premium systems and protocols, including: Routine Access Monitoring To control access to protected health information (PHI), your IT department […]

New accessibility features in Windows 10

Microsoft is all about improving the user experience, and this time they’re focused on improving its OS’s accessibility features. Windows 10 users can expect a faster and more responsive Narrator, more organized Ease of Access settings, better eye control features, and more. Better Ease of Access settings Some users rarely tinker with their computer’s accessibility […]

Gearing up for phishing scams in tax season

Paying and filing taxes is already annoying without the threat of refund fraud or identity theft. But phishing schemes, especially during tax season, have become so widespread that you’ve probably already received spoofed emails or calls during the last few years. To maintain the security of your business, you and your employees need to be […]

What private browsing can and can’t do

As you surf the web, it’s nearly impossible to keep your internet activity completely private. Certain websites collect personal information for marketing purposes and your browser keeps track of all the websites you visit. But that browsing information can also fall into the wrong hands, which is why you should consider using private browsing if […]

Quick recoveries with external IT support

Small-business owners with limited financial resources have to manage their office IT on their own. Although this might work for a while, it can grow into a massive problem when the business starts expanding. At that point, you’ll want to focus on that expansion, not repairing tech problems. This is where external IT support comes […]