A Google Post is content that promotes your business’ services, announcements, offers, events, product updates, or any content for free. This tool provides many promising benefits for your business. Here’s what you need to know.
What they can do
Google Posts allow users to communicate directly in the search results.
What you need to know about Google Posts
Using Alexa in your office
How to master Microsoft Excel
You may know how to use Microsoft Excel's basic functions, but have you truly mastered the program? Excel has more advanced features, and here's how you can master some of them.
Pie and Sunburst Charts
Everyone knows that bombarding stakeholders with endless numbers and decimal points is the wrong approach.
Do you know what Google Posts are?
Microsoft Teams is updated and ready
Prior to the release of Microsoft’s version of Slack -- a popular cloud-based team collaboration tool --, Microsoft Teams received a major update that might have given it the competitive edge. Enhanced communications aren't the only way productivity will be driven; take your business to greater heights with these new features.
New smart search engine for G Suite users
The newest tool launched for business customers is Google Cloud Search, which allows users to search across G Suite products such as Drive, Gmail, Sites, Calendar, Docs, Contacts and more with ease and efficiency. It was previously known as Springboard and was compared to something like Google Now for enterprise workers.
How to build a better chatbot
Why your company needs to be on Instagram
It's astounding how celebrities manage to amass millions of followers and gain thousands of likes for posting a photo of their shadow. Companies of all sizes would go crazy for that kind of exposure, but rarely do their wishes get granted. But not all hope is lost, start small and take baby steps with the help of Instagram’s recently-announced tools that help make the process of establishing your company’s presence an easier one:
Business profile pages
Previously, it was hard for Instagram users to distinguish an account belonging to a business from one that is dedicated to cats, but with the Business Profile feature, that’s a problem of the past.
Seven Microsoft Excel mastery tips
When was the last time you used Microsoft Excel? And no, hovering over the icon doesn’t count. If it’s taking you too long to remember, then it probably is. Digital literacy is an essential part of finding a job these days, in fact taking a look at it further reveals that proficiency in Excel is a skill still sought after by most companies.