Junior Achievement of Delaware
Problem: Junior Achievement of Delaware is a nonprofit organization that serves local students by promoting an entrepreneurial eco-system, sustainable school-to-career pipelines, and prioritizing educational achievement as a young person's most critical financial decision.
Because JA does not have a designated IT person on staff, the organization needed a seasoned guide who also would work with self-taught tech people on JA’s staff. JA partnered with MySherpa to monitor and secure JA’s organizational information on its servers, as well as keep one physical server and two virtual servers up to date with software and technical upgrades.
“We want to do business with local people and MySherpa epitomizes a successful, entrepreneurial business. Greg Gurev, his business and his family also support our organization,” says Rob Eppes, JA president. “We can’t afford to have an IT person on staff and MySherpa provides us with seamless service at a reasonable price. Our Sherpa guides also support us with an incredible level of proactive insight, letting us know what is just around the curve.”
MySherpa’s dedication to guiding clients safely around the abyss was tested late one afternoon when JA files began disappearing due to a malware attack.
Solution: Sherpa guides immediately sprang into action. At 8:16 a.m. the next day, MySherpa reported they had worked overnight to fix the problem, removing the malware. Sherpa guides also led the way in changing login credentials and putting passwords on open-access computers. “We thought we were being customer friendly,” Eppes says. “In fact, we made ourselves vulnerable and MySherpa corrected that for us. They kept us from going off line.”
MySherpa also reclaimed lost data and files, part of their service in backing up files for all JA’s information in the event of a major breach. In addition to providing 24/7 support via email, phone or text, MySherpa gives guidance and support regarding technical upgrades to comply with JA USA requirements per the organization’s programming needs.
Benefits: With safe and secure managed IT services, JA can focus its energy on reaching the summit in nurturing the entrepreneurs of tomorrow. MySherpa also is an active supporter of JA and its initiatives and is a sponsor of the Delaware Business Leaders Hall of Fame. Says Eppes: “MySherpa is part of our family, not just a vendor. I would not hesitate to pick up the phone and call MySherpa if there was anything we needed. But I never have to. That is how proactive MySherpa is.”